Good News: The Sky Isn’t Falling


  • BTC reached its latest all-time high of ~$73k on Mar 13, which means (according to historical patterns) July 13 marks a potential beginning for crypto’s next leg up.

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You know that scene from S3E4 of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia?

The one where Frank pushes one of the McPoyle brothers off a roof?

…but then the camera zooms out showing it was less than a one story drop, and we (as viewers) learn that McPoyle was never in any real danger.

Yeah, well there’s a lesson to be learned there:

When in doubt, zoom out.

The crypto markets feel like they’re in a tough spot right now (and they could well be), but before we go and hit the panic button — which we’ll do in the next article — let’s set some context, by first zooming out.

Like, out out. Back to previous bull runs.

What you’ll notice is that after hitting new all-time highs, Bitcoin has a tendency to consolidate within a range, and ping-pong sideways for 4-5 months, before moving up again.

Bitcoin reached its latest all-time high of ~$73k on March 13, 2024 — which means July 13 (roughly) marks a potential beginning for the crypto market’s next leg up.

Is it a perfect predictor? No. It’s hand wavey as all heck!

The point of all this isn’t to predict the bottom of this short-term down trend.

Instead, it’s a process designed to keep your emotions in check.

Cause it feels like the crypto market is currently hanging by a thread, from a 100 story skyscraper…

But, for now, it’s still within the parameters of previous bull cycle behavior.

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