GUCCI will now accept ApeCoin (!)

Can we just stop for a second - zoom out - and acknowledge how wild it is that this is even a thing?

Gucci, one of the worlds leading couture brands, is now accepting ApeCoin as a currency...

A cryptocurrency that didn't exist 12 months ago - which was created as a payments system for a 3D virtual world, based off .jpgs of apathetic monkeys - will now buy you a pair of loafers.


...and you know what, while we're zooming out - lets take stock of the past/present state of Web3.

Five years ago, even big-daddy-Bitcoin itself was still largely considered a niche peculiarity of the internet. Most would marvel at it from afar when the price boomed, then all but forget about it.

Now it's capturing the attention of congress, corporate America, and retail investors alike, with:

Which paves the way for other Web3 proponents to be accepted, like ApeCoin.

Here's the weird part:

We read the news of Gucci accepting ApeCoin and first thought 'Oh yeah, makes sense,' before reminding ourselves of where Web3 was just a few years ago.

Point is, Web3 adoption isn't slowing down - what would have sounded completely insane 12-18 months ago (e.g. Gucci accepting ApeCoin), now almost feels commonplace.

It's all VERY exciting!

Now, who wants to go practice karate in the garage?



This hack let anyone & everyone steal crypto, completely anonymously.


Michael Saylor steps down as CEO of MicroStrategy, to buy Bitcoin full time.