Web3 Daily

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Help! We’ve Become What We Hate.


  • The XRP token is now being accepted as a payment method on Roblox (the video game your little cousin is always harping on about).

  • Roblox has 200 million monthly active users on its network.

  • That's a very large, very mainstream expansion of reach for ​blockchain​ technology.

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Have you ever watched an ad and yelled "people don't talk like that!" back at your TV?

Like, when a credit card is advertising its cash back rates, it might show two friends waiting in line to pay at a bar - and the conversation will go like this:

"Hey, did you know you can now get X% back on all credit AND debit payments, with the new [CREDIT CARD NAME]?"

Say it with us now: PEOPLE DON'T TALK LIKE THAT.

And personally, we can't buy into the idea that folks would ever get that excited about the specifics of basic payment integrations.

...which is why we're truly conflicted in this moment.

See, the XRP token is now being accepted as a payment method on Roblox (the video game your little cousin is always harping on about).

On one hand: payment integrations = absolute snooze fest.

On the other: Roblox has 200 million monthly active users on its network.

For context: Bitcoin and Ethereum COMBINED had a total of 43.98M active users for the month of September.

That's a very large, very mainstream expansion of reach for ​blockchain​ technology.

We hate to say it, but...we're getting excited about about the specifics of basic payment integrations.

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