​Here's how Meta's new NFT cross posting function could be leveraged

...You didn't think we were going to leave you hanging with that grim energy from our first article, did you?

Absolutely not! There's always a balance to be struck.

In today's 'hey, this could be cool!' news: Meta are rolling out new NFT functionality across Facebook and Instagram.

Users will be able to connect their wallet and post their NFTs to their feeds. With each post, Meta will automatically tag the creator and owner of the work.

Which is certainly neat! But it's not what this new functionality does that's grabbing our attention, but how it could be leveraged.

Here's our thinking:

Direct to consumer (DTC) businesses LOVE influencer marketing...but it ain't what it used to be.

Over the years, we've all learned to tune out product endorsements from public figures (to some extent) - so businesses started working with smaller accounts, with followings of 1-10k.

The idea being that if you have a smaller reach, those followers are most likely going to be people you have a close connection with.

(I.e. your friends and family).

...these are the same people that come to you for recommendations on books, podcasts, movies, restaurants etc. - so why not new products?

And it worked! (So much so that these small accounts were given the title of 'nano influencers').

Here's where Web3 comes into it...

If businesses can create compelling NFT collections, that unlock benefits and appreciate in value, users will want to show them off in their feed.

(We've already seen it happen on Twitter).

And with every feed post, comes an auto-tag - giving businesses frictionless exposure to each user's nearest and dearest.

If this approach catches on, it could become a big old 'on ramp' to Web3, for businesses and consumers alike.

Then again, it could be put in the 'too hard' basket by most, and never catch on.

But for now...



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