​Hold up. Is crypto about to outperform the stock market?

So apparently there's a formula that rates the 'likelihood of decline' for stocks and crypto.

The lower the likelihood of decline, the better the chances of upward price movement.

And right now, two Bloomberg analysts are reading the tea leaves of this formula and arguing that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a handful of other coins are about to outperform most major asset classes.

(I.e. crypto will go up, while just about everything else goes down).

Ok, cool...but short term price movement is boring - is there anything else to look at here?

We hear you! And yes, we have something for you:

Remember on Monday when we wrote about Bitcoin's potential 'decoupling' from the stock market?

Here's a brief recap...

At the moment, when the stock market goes up or down, Bitcoin tends to follow. If Bitcoin were to decouple from (break up with) the stock market, it'd be living its best life as an independent entity.

(I.e. It'd be hot girl summer, for Bitcoin).

[Which] could make Bitcoin a true safe haven for protecting your savings.

As we said in that article, nothing is confirmed as of yet.

Just because crypto isn't following the ebbs and flows of the stock market right now, doesn't mean it's going to happen indefinitely.

...but the more times these indicators show up and play out, the more convincing the argument becomes.

We'll take it!


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