​How To Make a Financially Sustainable Web3 Project, That’s Good for Society

Article source, here.


  • Regenerative finance (ReFi) is a way to invest that supports the long-term health of the whole society.

  • Gitcoin Co-Founder, Kevin Owocki, just launched a ReFi incubator.

  • The aim of the incubator is: the more positive impact a project has, the more funding it can receive.

Full Story

Ever been to a dinner party where the person sitting next to you blows your mind with everything they say?

At first it’s kind of amazing, but as they keep talking, things become more and more farfetched, which makes you start to question the whole thing…

That’s kind of where we’re at with  ‘regenerative finance’  (ReFi).

The concept was first suggested in  a report  by John Fullerton in April 2015.

The idea is this: We should invest “in ways that support the long-term health of the whole society.”

(For example, public parks or libraries).

To bring it back to  Web3 ,  Gitcoin  Co-Founder, Kevin Owocki, just launched a ‘ReFi incubator,’ announced at ETHDenver last week.

To start, Owocki says they’re “hoping to scale a model of public funding and design a constant stream of revenue by rewarding projects on the positive impact they have created.”

In other words, the more positive impact a project has, the more funding it can receive.

The ultimate goal being self-sustainable, Web3 projects, that push the industry forwards while doing good for society.

Sounds great! Almost a little too good to be true...

We hope we're proven wrong.

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