Is Gaming Crypto’s ‘Killer App’? (This one crypto game is doing more volume than Polygon)


  • Well, we've always wondered... If Bitcoin is responsible for popularizing cryptocurrency - what the 'thing' that's going to proliferate crypto on a massive/mainstream scale?

  • Our best guess has always been gaming...if one of those games blow up - all of a sudden you have a whole bunch of new crypto users.

  • On Sunday, the network as a whole did 256K transactions in total; SAGE Labs, a browser-based sci-fi game built on the Solana network, pulled in over 2.29M transactions on the very same day!

  • Is SAGE Labs the 'killer app' that will see every man and his dog owning crypto?

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...but none of the above entities were the ones to truly capitalize on each trend.

(That was left to Amazon, Facebook, and ​Hot Topic​).

What's this got to do with crypto? Well, we've always wondered...

If Bitcoin is responsible for popularizing cryptocurrency - what the 'thing' that's going to proliferate crypto on a massive/mainstream scale?

Our best guess has always been gaming:

You take something that thing hundreds of millions of people do already (play video games and collect in-game items) → put it on crypto rails (i.e. make those in-game items tradable, using ​blockchain​ tech).

...if one of those games blow up - all of a sudden you have a whole bunch of new crypto users.

The cool part? We may just be witnessing that moment...

First, lets set some context:

The Polygon network is the most popular Ethereum ​layer 2​ network in the world, home to the Starbucks Odyssey loyalty program and Draft Kings Collectible ​NFT​ marketplace...

And on Sunday, the network as a whole did 256K transactions in total.

Now, get this:

SAGE Labs, a browser-based sci-fi game built on the Solana network, pulled in over 2.29M transactions on the very same day!

That was 15% of all transactions made on Solana that day (which is the seventh largest cryptocurrency in the world).

Is SAGE Labs the 'killer app' that will see every man and his dog owning crypto?

No idea! But gaming (as a whole) could well be...

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