Is Play-To-Earn Gaming Failing?


  • The Web3 and Gaming space are currently trying to figure out what works, and what doesn’t.

  • Immortal's developers announced on Monday that their chess game, which rewarded winners with crypto, started to see too much of an uptick in cheating.

  • Trying to incentivize gamers with play-to-earn functionality seemed to bring out the worst in people. Maybe its time for a new model?

Full Story

There is no better feeling than when you find the right top to your Tupperware.

But getting to that point is a frustrating process.

Grabbing a random lid...seeing if it fits or not.


The Web3 and Gaming spaces are currently going through the testing-out-all-the-tops-in-the-cabinet phase.

Here’s the gist:

Gamers and ​Web3​ developers alike are feeling the friction – both have great ideas but they have yet to click.

The latest victim?

Immortal Games' Chess ​NFTs​.

Immortal's developers announced on Monday that their chess game, which rewarded winners with crypto, started to see too much of an uptick in cheating.

Trying to incentivize gamers with play-to-earn functionality seemed to bring out the worst in people.

Maybe its time for a new model? Like:

"Play-to-collect (and-maybe-some-of-those-collectibles-will-be-valuable) but-for-the-most-part, it's-just-a-fun-game-you-play-to-blow-off-steam."

(Too wordy?)

Oh well, you get the point!

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