Less Metaverse Investment = Winning Strategy?


  • Animoca brands just locked in $20M of funding to build its vision of the metaverse.

  • Animoca is lowering the monetary risk compared to Meta ($20M vs. $13B+) and user barrier (8,888 vs. millions).

  • the stakes are way lower (and the core audience clearer) for Animoca than they are for Zuck. And that’s a super power in itself!

Full Story

So Animoca brands just locked in $20M of funding to build its vision of the metaverse.

(Which they’re calling The Mocaverse).

The long and short of it is this:

Players buy one of the 8,888 non-transferable NFTs to gain early access to The Mocaverse, and earn loyalty points as they play/explore.

Ok. Another metaverse play. Who cares?

Honestly, we don’t.

What’s catching our eye here is the approach…

Instead of taking the Meta approach, i.e:

Pouring tens of billions into building a virtual world that requires millions of users to fork out $300-$1000 on a VR headset and play consistently before the venture can break even…

Animoca is lowering the monetary risk ($20M vs. $13B+) and user barrier (8,888 vs. millions).

That’s smart!

Cause if they can’t get eight thousand or so people playing and engaging on a frequent basis - there’s no hope of reaching 1M+.

Will it work? No clue.

But the stakes are way lower (and the core audience clearer) for Animoca than they are for Zuck.

And that’s a super power in itself!

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