Love It or Hate It, the Metaverse Starts With the Apple Vision Pro (Probably)


  • The metaverse starts in VR - but before VR becomes affordable, it must become desirable - and the Vision Pro is the best candidate (to date), to solve such a problem.

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The Apple Vision Pro is about to go on sale for a cool $3,500…

Which means we’re about to see a whooole bunch of people go through the 5 stages of a new Apple product purchase.

You know the one.

  1. Shock: “This is stupid and WAY too expensive.”

  2. Intrigue: “…although, I would still like to try one out.”

  3. Experience: “Wow, ok - this is a joy to use (still too expensive though).”

  4. Bargaining: “I wonder how I could justify such a purchase to my self/spouse/boss?”

  5. Acceptance: “God damnit. I’m going to do it, aren’t I? I’m going to be one of those chumps that sinks $X into a tech-toy…”

Ok, you get - but what does this have to do with Web3?

Well, we like to boil the concept of ‘the metaverse’ down to being ‘the 3D version of the internet.’

Only problem with the metaverse is its whole ‘chicken or egg’ dilemma…

No one will build the ‘3D internet’ if consumers don’t have the hardware to support it…but no one will buy the hardware, if the 3D internet doesn’t exist…

We see the Vision Pro as the best candidate (to date), to solve such a problem.

Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus and creator of the Quest (now known as the ‘Meta Quest’) said something in an interview that really stuck with us:

“Before VR can become something that everyone can afford, it must become something that everyone wants - and I think that's the approach Apple is taking.

The price right now? It's kind of irrelevant. The people who are going to buy it at $3,500? We would have bought it at $5,000!"

Our opinion?

Honestly, the Vision Pro is stupid and WAY too expensive.

…although, we would still like to try one out.

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