​Most gamers hate Web3, yet they're driving the majority of its activity

A report just came out that said 48% of ALL blockchain activity, over the past three months, came from Web3 games.

Which seems strange given the gaming community's aversion to Web3.

(Many see blockchain gaming as a cash grab...because in a lot of past cases - it has been).

Unfortunately, these sub-par experiences will most likely continue, until Web3 games stop making earning the focus of their titles.

The silver lining? If this is addressed/adjusted, Web3 gaming could become the driving force behind global blockchain adoption.

Here's how that happens:

Blockchain needs to take a backseat. Right now, earning potential is the main selling point in many/most Web3 games - and it ain't workin'.

If there were to be a wide range of exciting gaming titles (ones that you could lose hours/days playing) - that just so happened to let you trade in-game items through an open marketplace (like an NFT platform)...

That's where things get interesting.

Imagine a hit title like World Of Warcraft, where the in-game items were minted as NFTs (at no cost to the player) - and the game makers made their money by taking 5-10% of all secondary sales.

Web3 technology wouldn't be the focus, but a secondary function - essentially easing new users into the space, en masse.

Need an analogy? Here, have an analogy:

Web3 functionality needs to be delivered to gamers, the same way medication is delivered to pets.

Wrapped in something they love.

Right now, many Web3 games are shoving blockchain functionality down gamers' throats, when really they need to hide it in some mince meat.


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