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Onboarding The Next 2.7B Into Crypto? We’ll Take it.

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  • A whole bunch of European and Latin American countries are going to get access to Mastercard’s brand new feature, ‘Crypto Credentials,’ which lets you send BTC to a normal sounding address (e.g. @web3daily).

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2.7 Billion.

That’s how many new people could be onboarded into crypto with this new innovation by Mastercard.

(Well, sorta - hear us out).

There are 2.7B people in the world who have a Mastercard credit card.

And soon, a whole bunch of European and Latin American countries are going to get access to their brand new feature: ‘Crypto Credentials.’

You know how a typical address when sending crypto is some random combo of number and letters like this? 1iVGyMIj0xoWNoWAS3i4vARijBQDWoqBCJ

Well, Mastercard’s Crypto Credentials turns that 👆 into this 👉 @Web3Daily.

And yeah, the ENS has existed for a while allowing people to send transactions on Ethereum to normal sounding wallets (e.g. web3daily.eth), BUT, this is specifically for BTC transactions.

Here’s why this is exciting:

Okay so we got kind of ahead of ourselves when we said it would onboard 2.7B people into crypto…

But even a fraction of a percent would have a meaningful impact in these early(ish) days.

More importantly, we love to see a huge traditional finance company define, develop, and take to market, an innovation specifically focused on the crypto space.

That, my friends, is called progress.