Oooft! We stand corrected.

Wow. Ok.

So, Tifanny & Co. just fly kicked us off our high horse.

Yesterday we wrote about Tiff & Co.'s latest NFT collection that, when redeemed by a CryptoPunks holder, will turn their Punk into a custom designed physical pendant.

To which we said:

" there even a cross over audience there? Or are we missing something? kinda feels like Tiffany and Co. have heard about the megatrend that is Web3, and decided to jump in without a ton of consideration."

Turns out, we were definitely missing something.

The partnership announcement resulted in $2.3 million worth of CryptoPunks sales in the past 24hrs.

(That's a 2,200% increase).

And it single-handedly lifted the CryptoPunks floor price (i.e. the lowest amount of money you can spend to own a Punk) from 68 ETH (~$109K) to 74.5 ETH (~$125K).

Tiff, if you're reading this, we're sorry for doubting you.

We stand corrected.



Michael Saylor steps down as CEO of MicroStrategy, to buy Bitcoin full time.


Pssst… The next chapter in digital music is here.