Polygon 2.0's Big, Juicy Vision


  • Polygon has just provided more information on their proposal for 'Polygon 2.0.'

  • We're still waiting on more details about the token's ​smart contracts​ which will be released in the 'Polygon Improvement Proposal' (PIP) soon.

  • "The vision for Polygon 2.0 is to create the Value Layer of the Internet," Polygon co-founder Mihailo Bjelic said.

Full Story

Polygon has just provided more information on their proposal for 'Polygon 2.0.'

The main proposal relates to ​POL​, the next generation token of the Polygon ​protocol​ (replacing today's 'MATIC' token).

Polygon has called POL a "3rd generation token," standing on the shoulders of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

With this new token, POL holders will also be able to become validators within the network (i.e. get paid to help keep the token secure) and do a few other neat new things.

We're still waiting on more details about the token's ​smart contracts​ which will be released in the 'Polygon Improvement Proposal' (PIP) soon.

The really cool part is this:

"The vision for Polygon 2.0 is to create the Value Layer of the Internet," Polygon co-founder Mihailo Bjelic said.

"In the same way that the Internet allows anyone to create and exchange information, the Value Layer will allow anyone to create, exchange, and program value."

In other words, the internet lets people transfer knowledge and information quickly, easily, and widely. Polygon 2.0's technology wants to let people create value quickly, easily, and widely.

It's a bold vision! Let's see if they can pull it off.

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