​Polygon just proved we're all still early to Web3

You know what's kind of weird?

Most of Web3 is currently being funded by Web2 native companies.

But it makes sense when you step back and look at it from a distance...

Web2 companies have broad and battle tested business models that have been cash flowing for decades, whereas much of Web3 is still finding real-world product-market fit.

Long story longer: Web2 has more money to play with.

But as with all new and maturing technology, that is starting to change. Yesterday, the founder of blockchain infrastructure provider Polygon, launched a new crypto-focused venture capital firm - with a cool $50 million, ready to deploy.

Making them one of the first VC firms led exclusively by Web3 founders.

(Weird that this isn't already commonplace, no?)

Here's what should you take from this:

It's easy to feel like you've missed the boat on Web3, but even if you just entered the space yesterday, remember...

Web3 (as a concept) was born along with Bitcoin, 13 years ago.

It didn't even have a name until 2014...and it's only just now getting its own pocket money.

Which means you're certainly still early!



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