Someone Asked ChatGPT To Create a Meme Coin…It Racked Up $12M in One Day


  • You know all of that time, work, learning, trial and error that exists between ‘idea’ and ‘final creation,’ when you're building in the digital space? AI hyper contracts it.

  • ​@CroissantEth​ posted ​an experiment​ on Twitter/X where they asked ChatGPT to name, build and launch a ​meme coin​.

  • The coin promptly racked up $12.9M in trading volume.

Full Story

We’ve harped on this before, but it’s worth repeating:

You know all of that time, work, learning, trial and error that exists between ‘idea’ and ‘final creation,’ when you're building in the digital space?

AI hyper contracts it.

It’s kind of like having a smart, done-it-all-before, here-to-help friend that can guide you when building and launching digital ventures.

And this story backs that idea up…

​@CroissantEth​ posted ​an experiment​ on Twitter/X where they asked ChatGPT to name, build and launch a ​meme coin​.

ChatGPT christened the token ‘AstroPepeX,’ coded it all up and provided instructions on how to make it tradable on the ​Uniswap​ exchange…

Where it promptly racked up $12.9M in trading volume.

Sure, the only reason this thing likely moved was thanks to Croissant.eth’s large/highly engaged Twitter following - something AI can’t magically generate for you.

(At least, not yet).

But it can take the brainstorming, coding, and launch process - flip it on its head, and hyper contract it.


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