​Take something cool → make it easy to use ​→ chef's kiss' all around​.

1inch may have just become our new favorite app.

(This isn't an ad btw - but maybe it should be? 1inch marketing folks, where're you at??)

1inch is a 'decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator.'

What's that mean?

Basically, lets users trade at the best prices available, by scanning a whole bunch of DEXes to find the lowest crypto prices.

Which is neat, but that’s not the cool part.

It was just announced that 1inch have partnered with Unstoppable Domains to allow users to send/receive crypto to a single username, like ‘web3daily.wallet,’ instead of a string of random numbers and letters.

...a single username that will accept just about any token.

Meaning, if someone were to send some Ethereum to ‘web3daily.wallet’ on 1inch, Unstoppable Domains would identify the token, then route it to our ETH wallet for us.

Here’s why we love this:

It’s taking a useful thing (a DEX aggregator) and making it even easier to use.

In order for Web3 to be widely adopted, the user experience has to be as good as that which already exists (if not better).

Having one wallet address, that will be able to receive any sort of cryptocurrency, simplifies it all.

It's the same simplicity that made PayPal a hit (by allowing users to accept a huge range of global currencies, using their email as a 'send to' address).



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