The Ethereum ETFs Are on Pause (But Only for a Couple Weeks)


  • Hopes that the Ethereum ETFs will launch as early as this week are fading, betting markets now giving a Jul 26 launch a 77% chance.

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Ok, that last article was a doozy!

So we’ll keep this one short n’ sweet.

Hopes that the Ethereum ETFs will launch as early as this week are fading.

This comes off the back of news that the SEC has recently requested potential ETF issuers to amend their applications (this doesn’t typically happen if things are good to go).

Here’s two solid reasons not to care:

  1. Whether it’s one week, or one month from now — these ETH ETFs are happening. That’s what matters in the long run.

  2. The launch of ETFs doesn’t guarantee Ethereum’s price will all of a sudden skyrocket (in fact, BTC dumped when its ETFs were launched).

Good news is:

(If betting markets are to be trusted) there’s a 77% chance they will launch this month — by July 26 to be exact.

Alright, now you know!

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