The Good News Catalogue (Pt. 2): Five Pieces of Positive News That’ll Give You the Zoomies


  • Bitcoin just broke $38k! If it can hold that level, it'll be the first time its done so since Terra LUNA crashed last year.

  • Coinbase stock has gained 72% in the past month and has almost tripled in price since Jan.

  • Web3​ gaming is back from the dead! Tokens from Axie Infinity, Ronin, Voxies, and Illuvium have continued to climb this past week.

  • It’s a good news roundup!

Full Story

Welcome to the The Good News Catalogue (Pt. 2).

For those of you playing at home...

This is a format we follow when there's a bunch of positive news floating around, but not enough time to cover each piece with a standalone article.

In today's catalogue:

  1. Bitcoin just broke $38k! If it can hold that level, it'll be the first time its done so since Terra LUNA crashed last year.

  2. Coinbase stock has gained 72% in the past month and has almost tripled in price since Jan.

  3. ​Web3​ gaming is back from the dead! Tokens from Axie Infinity, Ronin, Voxies, and Illuvium have continued to climb this past week.

  4. Comments from folks at the Federal Reserve suggest that we won't see any more interest rate hikes.

And how's this for a closer...

The last time we wrote a Good News Catalogue, we closed by saying:

"We're not at the 'getting a random text from uncle Steve asking for advice on which crypto projects to buy' stage of the market just yet...

But it's definitely in reach."

Well, guess who asked for crypto advice over Thanksgiving!

(We are so back).

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