The Latest Interesting Experiment in Web3


  • The Yuri Group has created NFTs and a DAO to be able to raise money, and allow the aging community of Yamakoshi Village in Japan to vote on the things that matter most to them.

Full Story

Japan has an aging population.

“That has literally nothing to do with crypto.” - you, probably.

Bup bup bup, but it does!

All thanks to the Neo-Yamakoshi Village project which is aimed at supporting and sustaining Yamakoshi’s aging population through the sale of NFTs.

Here’s how it works:

The Yuri Group has created both NFTs and a DAO to be able to raise money, and allow the community to vote on the things that matter most to them.

So far, the project has raised over $423,000 through Nishikigoi NFT sales since its launch in 2021.

The idea being, if it can attract enough ‘digital citizens,’ and the people who live in Yamakoshi can have an easy and direct way to vote based on what matters most to them and their lives, the Yuri Group can create a blueprint to be rolled out to other aging populations across the globe.

While the program has been a success so far, there has been some adoption issues…

For example, it’s been hard to get older residents to both understand the technology and its benefits, and to actually use it to vote (even if it is designed to benefit them).

Most projects like this don’t get it right straight out of the gate. It’s an iterative process.

But the cool thing is, if the team behind this can figure out a great user experience, and can figure out how to communicate the benefits for the older population which they’re targeting, these learnings could easily be adapted to other largely untapped user groups.

Early days, but we’re giving this 10 solid points for effort.

Education in this space is tough - trust us, we know.

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