Web3 Daily

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The reason no-one likes the metaverse (yet)...​

You know what this story made us realize?

We are not excited about the metaverse.

But we are excited for what it could be.

The big problem is that there's a $400-1500 barrier to entry (the VR headset), with what seems like very little pay off (in experiences) as a result.

...and this latest partnership between Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Meta's Horizon Worlds, only seems to drive that point home further.

It's a Halloween / Cheetos themed neighborhood, where you 'get up to mischief' (?).

Taking the all around forgettability of Meta's Horizon Worlds, and combining it with the least subtle brand partnership you can think of, doesn't inspire the sort of excitement needed to purchase a $400 VR headset.

The partnership is being overseen by Gary Vee's Web3 marketing firm, Vayner3...which means we might be about to eat our own words.

A few weeks back we wrote about how Gary's VeeFriend plush toy release says to the world:

'I can sell anything, to anyone, anywhere.'

...this Cheetos partnership might challenge that theory.

Or maybe we're cynical pr*cks, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯