The Web3 gaming console (that will probably fail)

So, folks have been tearing the Polium One 'Web3 console' to shreds online.

And if you're thinking 'hey, that's very not nice, why all the negativity?'...

You're right, it's not. But there is a reason for it - and it's this:

Once you wash away all of the Web3 buzzwords, you realize it's a game console, with no games and/or users, that has a crypto wallet built into it.

From a developers perspective, they're probably scratching their heads and asking:

Why wouldn't I just create a game for Desktop, iPhone, Android, PlayStation or Xbox (where there's an existing user base) and just build the crypto wallet into the game? doesn't have to be built into the console.

(And it's a fair question to ask).

So what's going to be the thing to make Web3 play-to-earn gaming blow up, if not a new console?

Our guess:

A crazy fun game, that makes more money than it pays out.

For example:

  • Pokemon, where each Pokemon you catch is an NFT.

  • Each NFT has a varying degree of rarity.

  • Running costs are reduced by having players cover NFT gas fees (aka the fee paid when creating an NFT).

  • Players can profit by catching rare Pokemon and/or training them up to have better stats, then selling them.

Maybe this is just the nostalgia talking, but - we'd play that.



The battle of stablecoins is heating up


Open Metaverse (wooooh) > Closed Metaverse (booooo)