There’s a Storm Coming…


  • We haven’t reached the mania phase of the current cycle, yet inflows into the crypto space have already far outpaced that of 2021 ($17.8B in ‘24 vs. $10.6B in all of ‘21).

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Remember the good old days of 2021 when the crypto market was buzzing, reaching new all-time high, after new all-time high?

Don’t you wish we could go back to that?

Well, good news.

We’re back. Actually — scratch that — we’re beyond just ‘back,’ we’ve actually surpassed 2021’s market inflows.

In 2024, the crypto market has already absorbed $17.8B worth of investment — damn near doubling 2021’s total of $10.6B, in just over half the time.

But that’s not the exciting part.

The exciting part is, our family isn’t texting us.

(Wow, ok…that sounded way sadder than it ought to).

What we were trying to highlight is this:

When the crypto market enters its ‘mania’ phase, like it did in 2021 — you’ll start to notice your non-crypto native friends/family reaching out to you for advice (e.g. “What’s up with dogecoin? Should I buy in?”).

This happens because crypto is all-of-a-sudden everywhere, thanks in large part to its wild price increases.

…we haven’t reached the mania phase of the current cycle, yet inflows into the crypto space have already far outpaced 2021.

Which means these inflows are likely just the basis of even wilder times that are yet to come.

Chills. Literal chills.

Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.

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