​This is a wild story (nothing more, nothing less).

Alright, ready for a palate cleanser?

Here's some salacious gossip you can share around the water cooler:

In May of last year, a Melbourne woman, Thevamanogari Manivel, asked Crypto.com for a $100 refund...but instead of sending her a clean hundy, they sent her 10.5 million dollars!

(Are you kidding!? Someones definitely getting fired).

And how's this for a twist: she didn't give it back.

Instead, T-mani did what any instant millionaire would do - she called her sister and (allegedly) got to spending.

The pair (allegedly) used their new found wealth to (allegedly) buy a $1.35M five bedroom luxury home.

What makes the story even crazier, is that Crypto.com didn't notice the mistake until December of the same year - eight months after the transfer was initially made!

And it only happened in the first place, because an employee entered Ms. Manivel's account number in the 'amount' section of the refund form.

Now, unfortunately - all wild stories must come to an end...

Crypto.com have since taken legal action and convinced Victoria’s Supreme Court to order the home to be sold, and the money returned.

(Spoil sports).

But hey, it was fun while it lasted, amirite?



​Things might be about to get choppy.


​The next phase of NFTs.