This Is either the ‘Stupidest’ or ‘Coolest’ Thing We’ve Seen in a While (We Can’t Tell)


  • Close up, this news feels very silly...but zoom out and it's pretty freakin' cool.

  • A bunch of AI founders and companies are coming together for the 'AI World Fair,' which will take place in the ​Decentraland​ ​metaverse​.

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Call us Natalie Imbruglia, cause we are ​TORN​!

Close up, this news feels very silly...but zoom out and it's pretty freakin' cool:

A bunch of AI founders and companies are coming together for the 'AI World Fair,' which will take place in the ​Decentraland​ ​metaverse​.

Our first reaction to this announcement, went a little something like this:

"Ok, so now we're just mashing buzzwords together willy-nilly, are we?"

But then we thought on it for a second...

Imagine going back just five years and telling your past self:

"Yeah, so there's an event being thrown in this universally accessible 3D virtual world, known as 'the metaverse.'

Anyway, the event will host the world's best and brightest, where they'll discuss the development of a civilization-warping digital super intelligence."


Imagine what your past self's reaction might be when you voice your disinterest in such an event.

(Even going as far as to call it 'silly').

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