​This Web3 game might actually catch on.

We say this to anyone that will listen:

What would really push the 'Web3-gaming-snowball' down the hill, is a Triple-A rated Web3 game, that featured monster collection/battling mechanics, similar to Pokemon.

We were recently harping on about this idea to one of our readers (hey Dan ), who responded:

'Have you not heard of Illuvium? They're doing pretty much that...and they're based out of Australia - aren't you Australian? How did you not know about this?'

To which we said:

'Oh yeah, Illuvium - love us some Illuvium. Big fans.'

(We'd never heard of Illuvium. Dan had called our bluff).

Point is: ever since that chat, to us, Illuvium has been like the hidden arrow in the FedEx logo...once you learn of its existence, you start to see it everywhere.

So why're we pointing it out to you now?

Simple - their approach is a breath of fresh air in the current Web3 gaming climate. It goes a little something like this:

Build a collection based, competitive game that looks great and is fun to play.

The visuals draw you in → the gameplay gets you hooked → the collecting/battling keeps you playing after you've finished the story campaign.

...and the whole thing just so happens to use blockchain technology to allow players to own the monsters they collect as NFTs.

...but that's not the headline (and that's why we like it).

Now, that said, the end product could be an absolute stinker of a game - who knows? We've been let down by Web3 games before...

But compare that to the current approach of most Web3 titles out there, which goes something like:

Build a game that isn't really compelling outside of the fact that players will earn some (essentially irrelevant) tokens for playing...

And you start to see the merit in Illuvium's approach.


​This is how the metaverse starts...


​Web3's Captain Planet (remember that show?)