Tools to Help Make BTC AI's Currency of Choice


  • Last week, a new set of developer tools were released, to enable the Bitcoin Lightning Network, and AI developer communities to build new cool sh*t.

  • The duo behind ​the tools​, Olaoluwa Osuntokun and Michael Levin, have made them all open source (available to everyone, for free) with the aim to encourage development of products which seamlessly incorporate the BTC Lightning Network and AI.

  • A few days ago, Arthur Hayes (founder of BitMEX) wrote a long but great ​blog post​ on why AI will choose BTC as it's currency of choice. Let's see how these tools will be used to make that a reality!

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Oooh! What's that? More AI / crypto news? Cool!

Last week, a new set of developer tools were released, to enable the Bitcoin Lightning Network, and AI developer communities to build new cool sh*t.

The duo behind ​the tools​, Olaoluwa Osuntokun and Michael Levin, have made them all open source (available to everyone, for free) with the aim to encourage development of products which seamlessly incorporate the BTC Lightning Network and AI.

The tools are built on the ​L402​ ​protocol​, which authenticates Lightning transactions, and ​Langchain​, which is a popular developer library that simplifies working with AI, by letting developers train AI models with external data.

Here's what this all means:

Basically, two nerdy-but-awesome dudes created a bunch of tools that make it easier to integrate the BTC Lightning Network with AI, and made them available for free, in the hopes that other nerdy-but-awesome folks would take the tools, and develop useful products.

Right now, there are a ton of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT being created out there, but the problem is, the best LLM models usually end up being unavailable to the masses, which stunts innovation.

(Imagine if, instead of tons of organizations working separately on solving *insert global issue*, all resources were funnelled to one, well-run, mega-organization? A theoretical, but great, idea).

A few days ago, Arthur Hayes (founder of BitMEX) wrote a long but great ​blog post​ on why AI will choose BTC as it's currency of choice.

Let's see how these tools will be used to make that a reality!

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