Web3 AirBnb, Anyone?


  • Sleap.io is a Web3 hotel booking platform, where guests can save up money by booking hotels directly (instead of booking via Expedia or Airbnb).

Full Story

In 2014, after taking a one hour guided campus tour, Chevy updated his Tinder profile to read 'Went to Harvard.'

The following product announcement is kind of like that...it's technically true, but the language highly embellishes what's actually happening.

Here's the spiel we just read:

"Crypto-native booking platform Sleap.io will combine ​blockchain​ and artificial intelligence (AI) to provide a personalized experience for each traveler with seamless ​Web3​ connectivity."

...cool, what does that mean?

Once you filter through the haze of buzzwords, you learn the following:

'Sleap' is a hotel booking platform where customers interact and book directly with the hotels themselves (meaning, no '​Expedia​' or '​AirBnb​' style middle-men are involved, nor are their fees).

The result:

  1. Users can avoid up to 30% in extra fees charged by competing ​Web2​ marketplaces

  2. Guests can enter Web3 loyalty programs if/when they'e offered

  3. AI will be used to pick a selection of hotels for you to choose from

Does this warrant the lavish pomp added to the company's press release?

No. No it does not.

Will we happily accept a 30% discount on hotel bookings the next time we take a tour of the Harvard Campus?

Absolutely we will.

Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.


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