Web3 gaming isn't slowing down

GM, we take the latest Web3 news and translate it into plain old English - so you can stay up to date, without your eyes glazing over.

In today’s edition:

  • Play-to-earn Web3 gaming isn't slowing down

  • Spotify is letting select artists promote NFTs

  • RESOURCE: Learn about SushiSwap (in ~8 mins)

  • One app to track them (your investments) all...

Terms used (click for translation):
Metaverse, NFTs, Web3.

Play-to-earn Web3 gaming isn't slowing down

Some dots are easy to connect.

The dude in your gym class that's 6'2", 250 pounds of straight muscle and can run flat out at 20mph...

Will he be picked first for the football team? Most likely, yes.

The gaming industry, that prints ~$140B dollars a year and has been building 3D virtual spaces for nearly three decades...

Will that be the birthplace of the metaverse? Yeah, probably.

If you'd like some hard evidence to back up that latter theory, we've got you.

(And if you'd like evidence for the former, grab our high school yearbook and look for a dude named Derek)

Kevin Lin, co-founder of Twitch (the internet's home for live game streaming):

  1. Started his own Web3 games studio (Metatheory)

  2. Publicly launched his first free-to-play / play-to-earn NFT game (DuskBreakers)

  3. Locked in $24M in funding from some of the biggest names in crypto-venture capital

All within a year...

The dots almost connect themselves.

Here's what we find so exciting about this:

First: this isn't a 'coming soon' announcement, or a 'this would be cool, let's hope we can make it happen' press release.

It's already happening.

Second: it's happening fast.

Faster than Derek in the 100m dash.


Spotify is letting select artists promote NFTs

So gaming companies have a leg up on building 3D virtual worlds in the metaverse...

While we're playing 'connect the dots', let's take a look at Web3 functionality and the music industry.

Spotify is running a test that lets a small group of artists promote their existing third-party NFTs on their artist profiles.

Makes sense, many artists have spent years building a following on the platform - so why not let them expand their product offerings / earning potentials.

Here's what's cool about this:

First and foremost, there's no 'Spotify Tax' (currently).

Artist's can link their fans to third party NFT marketplaces and Spotify won't take a cut of any sales.

Second, and this is a broader outlook - but, Web3 technology ain't slowin' down baaaaby!

We love seeing Web3 continue to integrate with big Web2 players, especially amidst a market downturn.

Here's what's (potentially) not cool about this:

This is just a test. If NFT sales are fully integrated into Spotify, they're going to want their cut.

Which is fine - they're a business after all.

Let's just hope they're fair.

Other platforms, like Meta (formerly Facebook), are hitting creators with a ~50% cut on digital asset sales.

Oooft! Not cool.


Resource of the day

Learn about SushiSwap

(in ~8mins)


One app to track them (your investments) all...

Imagine if you had multiple 'camera roll' apps on your phone, each based on where the photo was saved from.

You'd have one for text messages, one for Instagram DMs, one for emails, another for Discord...

It'd be a mess.

That's sort of what it's like to track NFTs at the moment.

There are different wallets for different networks.

E.g. the MetaMask app for your Ethereum NFTs - the Phantom app for your Solana NFTs...

So if you want to view your NFTs, you have to first find which app is storing them.

The Belgium-based smartphone app, Delta, have found a neat little workaround for solving this small, but messy, pain point.

Users can securely store their NFTs, cryptocurrencies, stocks, foreign currencies (etc.) on whatever platform they first bought them on - it's business as usual as far as that goes.

What Delta does is let you track and display everything in one place, giving you an overview of your combined portfolio, and its total value.

Small, but helpful...and we're pretty sure it's free (at least we've been using the free version).

Very nice. We like!


Your Daily Dose of Web3

Alright, that’s it for today!
Love to the family,

Chevy & Seb

Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.


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