Web3 is happening, whether you like it or not

(hopefully you do). Anyway, here's proof...

Remember in 2008 when the bottom fell out of the housing market?

The market crash saw developers hit 'pause' on most new construction.

As a result, you would often see half built homes just sitting there and decaying.

So is Web3 destined to the same fate amidst the current crypto downturn?

Apparently not!

Get this - while crypto prices have been dipping, development across major blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana has held steady - and in some cases, risen!

Don't believe us? Here, have some graphs:

Do you ever have those preemptive realizations - like:

'Oh yep, I'm about to become insufferable to my friends and family, because this news is all I'm going to want to talk about.'

We feel one of those moments coming on...

It's one thing to preach that 'Web3 is the future' amidst a bull run, when markets are up 10x - it's another thing entirely to be able to point to a community that continues to build, as markets bleed.

VERY exciting!

Who wants a running chest bump?




Meta (formerly Facebook) could be good for Web3…


School textbooks, as NFTs (but why?)