Web3 Messaging vs. WhatsApp


  • You can send encrypted messages to other crypto users via your Web3 ​wallet​ using products from companies like Coinbase, Lens, and as of today, Unstoppable Domains.

  • This new messaging platform has its perks compared to WhatsApp, for example: It's not owned by Zuck, it doesn't require you to share your phone number, or your email address.

Full Story

You know how WhatsApp lets you chat with anyone, anywhere in the world, across devices - as long as they have a WhatsApp account?

Something like that exists in the world of ​Web3​, where you can send encrypted messages to other crypto users via your Web3 ​wallet​.

(Of late, more and more wallet providers are starting to support it, like Coinbase, Lens, and as of today, Unstoppable Domains).

Ok, cool...another messaging platform.

Why should we care, right?

Well, this new messaging platform has its perks compared to WhatsApp, for example:

  • It's not owned by Zuck

  • It doesn't require you to share your phone number

  • It doesn't require you to share your email

Groundbreaking? No.

A nice option to have? Absolutely.

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