​Would you adopt a dog in the metaverse?

In today's 'didn't really need to know that, but that's sweet!' news...

You can now adopt digital dogs, in the metaverse.

But get this:

The digital dogs are actually representations of real life dogs, that you actually adopt.

The Fosterverse is hosted within the Decentraland metaverse, and essentially acts as a digital billboard for dogs that are up for adoption in the real world.

...but it gets weirder:

It's not the adoption agencies that are hosting these 'digital billboards,' it's Decentraland land owners that want to adopt, but can't - due to allergies, space, financial restrictions or any other reasons.

This way, they can do their part to help dogs get adopted, without actually adopting them.

And yeah, this feels like a bizarre approach! But once you consider that:

  1. Adoption sites often struggle to get exposure to potential adopters.

  2. Right now, more animals are in shelters than before the pandemic (with just over 53 per cent of them getting adopted).

  3. And in many cases, when dogs aren't adopted...they, ah...they take 'a long sleep.'

...then this novel approach to adoption feels worth it.


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