​'WTH did I just witness?' Magic Eden hacked, and turned NSFW.

Oh man, this one came out of left field!

Magic Eden, the largest Solana based NFT platform in the world, was hacked...not for money, but for shits n' giggles.

The hacker changed the pre-load thumbnail images of multiple NFTs to screen grabs of The Big Bang Theory and NSFW content.

(We can't say it outright without triggering spam filters, but you know the content we're referring to, rhymes with 'shmornography').

The result: users browsing the site would see the hacked imagery displayed as the collection page loaded, before being replaced with the original art.

The hacker(s) pulled this off by exploiting the image hosting service used by Magic Eden.

As far as exploits go, if we had to choose between seeing something where the hacker was:

A) Malicious.


B) Just being a silly goose.

We'd always choose the latter.


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​Bad news, SBF is making headlines again.