You haven’t missed the boat on Web3, in fact you’re still early.

Here’s proof…

Do you get giddy over graphs?

Are you a sucker for stats?

Does pouring over percentages make you weak at the knees?

Well, find yourself a seat (or safe place to stand) and get a load of this:

Isn't it beautiful!?

Web3 user adoption is following a similar curve to that of the early internet.

(And if things keep up, Web3 is projected to hit 1 billion users before the decade is out).


Ok, ok...if numbers don't do it for you, think of it like this:

Right now, Web3 is at the same point of adoption as the internet was in 1998 (that's when Google, PayPal and Netflix were founded).

By the end of the decade, Web3 will be at the same point the internet was when Facebook, Spotify and Twitter came to be.

Those are some BIG companies, that had a widespread impact on the entire industry/world.

...but that's not the most exciting part.

What's most exciting, is that the best is yet to come.

This graph ends before the founding and creation of some of the biggest internet companies of the past decade.

Companies that have shaped modern culture and consumer behavioral patterns - like:

Instagram, TikTok, Uber, AirBnb, Slack, Venmo and Bing.

(That last one was a joke, don't @ us).

Here's why we love data like this:

It's easy to nod and agree that Web3 is going to be 'the next big thing,' but it's much harder to envision what trajectory it might take, what impact it will have, and what it could look like 10-20 years from now.

This graph helps bring that vision into focus.

...and if you ever feel like you've missed the boat on Web3, come back to this graph and remember:

You're still early.

P.S. there's a typo in the headline of this linked article (the projected year is 2030, not 2022) - but we figured why let a little typo get in the way of good news?



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