Sponsor Web3 Daily

Audience Details

  • 50,000+ Subscribers

  • 48% Ave. Open Rate

  • 24,000+ Impressions (views) per edition

  • 2.8% ave CTR

  • 68% male, 32% female

  • 42% aged 25-34; 23% aged 35-44; 20% aged 18-24; 15% aged 45+

Scroll down to see ad package prices

For info on our availability or to book,
email Seb: seb@web3daily.co

Subscribers from companies like:


  • Tech 21.80%

  • Founder 18.20%

  • Marketing 14.70%

  • Web3 / Crypto 11.20%

  • Finance 9.90%

  • Students 7.70%

  • Content Creator 4.80%

  • Education 4.80%

  • Startup Employees 3.20%

  • Artists 2.80%


  • USA 64.2%

  • UK 22.2%

  • The EU 3.6%

  • Canada 3.4%

  • Australia 1.5%

  • Other 5.2%

Sponsorship Rates & Details

Examples from Previous Sponsors

Primary Ad Space:

Secondary Ad Space:

Daily Dose link:

Primary Ad Space

• Image (optional)

• Copy (up to 200 words)

• Multiple links (optional)

• Call to action

Secondary Ad Space

• No Image

• Copy (2-3 sentences)

• Single link

• Call to action

Daily Dose Links

• Headline + hyperlink

For info on our availability or to book, email Seb here: seb@web3daily.co