Oooft! Binance’s Internal Passwords Were Leaked N’ Live Online for the Past Month


  • A bunch of Binance’s internal passwords and highly sensitive code was quietly leaked on Github, Jan 5, and stayed up for a month.

Full Story

Turn the “OOOFT-O-METER” up to eleven:

A bunch of internal passwords and highly sensitive code from the world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, was quietly leaked on Github, Jan 5.

…and — wait for it — has been publicly viewable for the past month.

Binance has since had the repository taken down, and stated that the information was:

"So outdated that it would be unusable by any third-parties or malicious actors."

Regardless, this ain’t a good look — nor does it help instill faith in centralized exchanges, which is still dwindling post-FTX.

If nothing else, this acts as a good reminder to us all:

Don’t keep your crypto on centralized exchanges long term.

(Cold storage is the way).

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