Uh Oh! Solana Went Offline (Again)…But The Price Somehow Went Up?


  • Yesterday morning, the Solana network went down for a solid 5hrs, but SOL’s price actually went UP after the outage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Full Story

“Hi um, yeah, lemme get an ‘Uh-oh’ with a side of ‘Yikes’ - and is your ‘OOFT’ made in-house?”

So, yesterday morning the Solana network went offline for a solid 5hrs.

In that time, the Solana core engineers identified the problem, rewrote some code, and sent an update out to the folks responsible for validating SOL transactions.

On one hand: that’s an impressive effort from the engineers.

On the other: this shouldn’t still be happening — if ever.

(Especially on a network that hopes to eventually decentralize the US stock market).

Add this to last April’s outage (when Solana went down for almost two whole days) and you might start to get worried…

But here’s the crazy part:

Judging from the price action, Solana holders don’t seem to care.

In fact, on a 24hr time frame, SOL’s price actually went UP after the outage (?)


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