​Crypto's biggest missed opportunity

Most established brands are missing the biggest opportunity in Web3 and crypto.

Right now, most of them are using Web3 as a marketing tactic - which is fine, and we get it...

With little effort, big brands can spin up a virtual experience in the metaverse and bank on a bunch of free press - even if the experience is forgettable.

(See: 'Walmart Land', on Roblox).

...but they're missing the bigger opportunity: crypto payments.

Sure, "We're building experiences in immersive 3D virtual worlds" is a much sexier announcement, than "We've updated our payment systems"...

BUT - for a business like Walmart, a switch to crypto payments could do WAY more for their bottom line, than any metaverse stunt ever could.

(Because a switch to Bitcoin payments could literally double their average profit margins).

Here's how:

Brick-and-mortar retailers tend to have average profit margins between 0.5 and 4.5% - that's razor thin.

Visa, Mastercard and American Express charge merchants, like Walmart, anywhere between 1.29% - 3.29% (+.05c - .10c) in transaction fees.

A $100 purchase using the cheapest possible credit card option, would cost merchants $1.34 in transaction fees.

The Bitcoin Lightning Network charges a flat .04c per transaction - making Bitcoin payments 33x cheaper, on a $100 purchase.

Let's compare these two approaches, to really drive the point home:

Build a metaverse experience in Roblox → build affinity with a younger audience → hope that that affinity translates to brand loyalty → wait till they grow up → win them as a customer → make more money.

Adopt crypto payments → make more money.

(@Walmart, do it - we dare you).


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