Decentralized File Storage Systems...What’s the Point?


  • With decentralized file storage, instead of having your files stored on servers owned by Google or Apple, your files are fragmented and spread across a range of individually owned servers around the world.

  • On one hand, a permanent, super-hard-to-hack, censorship resistant file storage network is probably overkill for most people.

  • But its existence actually benefits us all, because a decentralized file storage system that anyone can use keeps big tech honest.

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Decentralized​ file storage.

It’s something that most people will never need, but will all benefit from.

Here’s what it is, why it’s appealing, and who actually needs it.

What is it exactly ?

Picture the basic function of Google Drive and Apple iCloud...

But instead of having your files stored on servers owned by Google or Apple, your files are fragmented and spread across a range of individually owned servers around the world.

The ‘treasure map/instruction manual’ that leads to each fragmented file and shows your computer how to piece your files back together?

Only you have access to it.

So even if one of the decentralized servers were to get hacked, the hackers would only get a fragment of your file.

What’s the appeal?

It’s all about security, file permanence, and censorship resistance.

If you want your digital footprint to resist attack, stand the test of time, and be hard for powerful entities (think, governments) to suppress:

Decentralized file storage is the route for you.

Who needs it?

No one, and everyone.

On one hand, a permanent, super-hard-to-hack, censorship resistant file storage network is probably overkill for most people.

But its existence actually benefits us all, because a decentralized file storage system that anyone can use keeps big tech honest.

Have you ever noticed how there’re rarely any scandals around data hoarding or censorship on email platforms - while the social media space is rampant with it?

That’s because email isn’t owned by any one company.

If Gmail were to start doing something dodgy tomorrow, we could all take our email addresses to one of their many competitors (contact list and all).

But if Instagram were to do the same, we couldn't automatically take our followers to a new platform that isn’t owned by Zuck.

Decentralized file storage gives everyday users a way out, if they should ever need it.

(Hopefully they won’t! But it’s an important option to have).

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