The 'IMDb of Music,' With a Twist…


  • Die hard music fans now have an outlet for their opinions, on Sonorus.

  • Users rate and review songs and if (and only if) the song blows up, they get crypto rewards for supporting the song before it was a hit.

  • Not sure if the market of opinionated music nerds big enough to make this platform viable but it’s a cool idea nontheless.

Full Story

Oh, you’re a fan of Janky Jane and The Flendersons?

Name three songs.

You can’t!

You know why? Cause Janky Jane and The Flendersons don’t exist. We just made them up.

But you still get the joke - because we’ve all been exposed to that painful "I liked them before they were cool" form of fandom, at some point.

Good news:

Those die hards will now have an outlet for their copious opinions, on Sonorus.

Sonorus is looking to become ‘the IMDb of the music industry,’ with a twist.

It works like this:

  1. Users join the platform.

  2. They review/rate the songs they’re loving.

  3. If (and only if) the song blows up, they get crypto rewards for supporting the song before it was a hit.

Is the market of opinionated music nerds big enough to make this platform viable?

No idea! But it’s a cool concept.

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