Finally, an NFT project with a real use case!

  • Finally, an NFT project with a real use case!

  • Producers of Justin Beiber's 2013 cinematic masterpiece 'Believe', are now into NFT's

  • Web3 is bigger for the creator economy than most people think, here's why...

Finally, an NFT project with a real use case!

When NFT projects offer a 'real use case', it typically means that you get access to a private chat group...where everyone talks about the NFT(s) they just bought.


I know I sound cynical, but I'm actually really excited to see where the future of 'NFT's as a ticket to entry' can take us. Whether it's to music festivals, where your ticket is also an appreciating collectible asset, or as a certificate of ownership for things in the real world (like a house!).

Unfortunately, we're not quite there yet.

In the meantime, the Ukrainian government are using NFT's in a positive way, announcing over the weekend that they would launching a series of NFT's to help fund...I mean I assume it's for humanitarian aide? Maybe a little dash of military funding?

Which, unless you're Vladimir Putin, I'm sure most people can get behind.


Producers of Justin Beiber's 2013 cinematic masterpiece 'Believe', are now into NFT's

That's right, you heard me 'cinematic masterpiece'.

Children's film and TV company, Dolphin Entertainment, have teamed up with NFT artist Varvara Alay, to fund scripted and unscripted television series, books, games, music, events, and merchandise, inspired by her 'Flower Girls' NFT collection.

And here I was complaining about NFT projects not having real use cases.

If the resulting content is anything like 'Believe', we're in support of it.


Web3 is bigger for the creator economy than most people think, here's why...

I'll start off by saying: you should read the linked article, it's really comprehensive!

BUT, if you're like me (a slow reader who has been spoiled by short form video content), I've got you!

Here's a very brief boil down:

Web3 turns crowd funders into crowd investors. Meaning: you won't just be donating to a project from the goodness of your heart, but also buying a (potentially) appreciating asset. One that grants you voting rights in the production / direction of the content your funding!

This means that the niche communities built by creators will not only be a symbol of fandom, but they have the potential to become their own mini economies!

No more having to share ad profits with YouTube or TikTok (or none at all with Instagram). The advent of Web3 will give creators greater financial autonomy - if they choose to take it.


Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.

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