​Making Your Own Web3 Game Just Got Easier.

Who here is old enough to have had Myspace? Raise your hands.

Don't be shy, we were right there with you.

Remember how, if you wanted to change your profile banner image, you'd have to learn some basic html?

...but nowadays, if you're on Facebook or Twitter, there's just a big 'upload photo' button that lets you do the same thing - with zero coding knowledge.

What we're about to talk about follows a similar step-change.

Unity, one of the world's most popular game developer engines, has added verified Web3 toolboxes for MetaMask, Solana, and Dapper Labs.

It's not going to be as simple as uploading a banner photo to your Twitter profile, and you'll still need to know how to code...but it's a big step forward.

Because previous to this, there weren't any reliable ways to integrate 'connect wallet' buttons into Unity games.

...we know this, because we tried!

Not just on Unity, but on Gamemaker Studio, Construct, and Godot. We're not developers by any stretch, but we like to experiment.

(Some of you have even found our super-secret-very-well-hidden-game, buried in the footer of each edition of our newsletter).

And let us tell you - it is VERY hard to find any clear & trust worthy documentation on in-game wallet integration.

Probably because:

  1. It's a relatively new concept.

  2. Gamers typically hate Web3, and most developers are also gamers.

Which means Unity's new slew of blockchain integration tools, marks a big step forward for the Web3 gaming space.

And by proxy, Web3 adoption as a whole.


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