Nothing But Good News for Web3


  • Xverse​ just raised a $5M seed round, led by Jump Crypto.

  • The 'Xverse wallet,' which is available as a Chrome browser extension and a mobile app, is focused on applications of Bitcoin, beyond just the typical financial use case.

  • While this has literally been the longest ​bear market​ in crypto's history, news like the Xverse raise gives us plenty of hope that ​the end is near​.

Full Story

Usually the saying goes "we have good news, and we have bad news."

But on this occasion, we're full of nothing but good news.

Why? Because ​Xverse​ just raised a $5M seed round, led by Jump Crypto.

Who's Xverse? And why's this such good news?

You can think of Xverse as: 'enablers of creativity.'

(Sounds weird, but hear us out).

The 'Xverse wallet,' which is available as a Chrome browser extension and a mobile app, is focused on applications of Bitcoin, beyond just the typical financial use case.

Think: ​Ordinals​, the Lightning Network, and ​Stacks​.

This is great news for a few reasons.

  1. What's that smell? Mmmmm the sweet, sweet smell of liquidity returning to the ​Web3​ market.

    Liquidity = money. Professional investor money, institutional money, retail investor money.

  2. You know how we called them 'enablers of creativity'? Well, while in the past we've been critical of uses of BTC, besides the original 'digital gold,' we realize the genie is out of the bottle (and now think that's a good thing).

    It's a good thing because creativity spurs industries. It opens the world to new ideas, and creates wealth along the way. Xverse helps facilitate that.

Our job is to look at all of the news that exists in the Web3 space, and report on the top few things we're seeing.

While this has literally been the longest ​bear market​ in crypto's history, news like the Xverse raise gives us plenty of hope that ​the end is near​.

Time will tell!

Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.

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