​One small step for candy, one giant leap into the mainstream for Web3.

In today's 'hey, that's cool!' news...

You'll soon be able to get yourselves some limited-edition M&M’s, featuring Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT imagery, thanks to a new licensing deal between Mars and the UMG music label.

Right, so there's a new brand deal between two global mega corporations, featuring BAYC art? Is that it? Is that the story?

Sort of, but there's an insight to be made here...

This is a signal to corporations and consumers alike, that Web3 is legitimate and ready to be embraced.

For consumers, it works like this:

We're social animals that are optimized for quick decision making.

If we look around and see companies embracing the Web3 space (putting their money and brand reputations on the line to do so), we assume it's fine for us to do the same.

(It's one less decision to have to make).

For corporations, it works like this:

Partnerships like this prove to other businesses that they don't have to necessarily 'enter' Web3. Instead, they can sit adjacent to it - by collaborating with big names in the space.

The core message being: there're new customers to reach, new revenue targets to be hit, and it's all low-risk.

(Because Mars have already proven it can be done successfully).

As a result, Web3 gets to take another big leap towards entering the mainstream.




​'The next stage of Web3' just got closer...


​Go to the grocery store → get some Dogecoin.