​'The next stage of Web3' just got closer...

We're going to go out on a limb here and assume that we're all in agreement:

Jon Turteltaub's National Treasure films, starring Nicolas Cage, are cinematic masterpieces.

Good. Ok.

Now, many of you may know that a third installment in the series is currently in production...although the release date is 'TBD.'

We want you to imagine for a moment, that the release date was not only confirmed, but you had a ticket.

Now, let's take it one step further.

Picture what it would feel like, if you received an email telling you that the release date had been moved up almost an entire week - bringing you that much closer to experiencing 'cinema, on God mode.'

That (right there ) is how the Ethereum community are feeling after The Merge update was brought forward to as early as September 10th (previously Sep 16th).

If Ethereum were a MacBook, The Merge would be the introduction of Apple's M1 chip - it blows away the operational speed and efficiency of what came before it.

We've written about the details of The Merge here and here - so we won't retread that path.

But this is all to say that, what many see as 'the next stage of Web3,' now starts early to mid September.



'TV may never be the same' (here's why we tend to agree with this statement)


​One small step for candy, one giant leap into the mainstream for Web3.