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​Rick n' Morty foresaw the problems of the metaverse

Season 1, Episode 4. It's the one where Rick n' Morty are stuck in a simulation.

To escape, they encourage a bunch of simulated characters to do wildly different things - to the point that the system crashes.

...turns out the concept has some basis in (virtual) reality - because the metaverse has that same problem. If too many people are in a single space at once, the system craps out.

Which isn’t ideal when the future vision of the metaverse is to host millions of people at once, and allow them to interact simultaneously in a virtual space.

Here’s the good news:

RP1 are about to demo a metaverse platform, that can host 100k people simultaneously in a 20km² virtual space.

Here’s why this is a big deal:

Creators can dream up as many wild metaverse gaming experiences as they want, but those ideas will be worthless if they don’t first have a system that can support their vision.

Infrastructure ain't sexy, but it's damn important - and this will be one big step towards a richer metaverse experience.