​This could become the biggest comeback story of the NFT space...

Remember Pixelmon?

It was the NFT based game that was pretty much aiming to be the Pokemon of Web3 - where each Pixelmon you caught, was an NFT that could be traded / sold / collected.

It was a neat idea, which caught a lot of people's attention. So much so that the creators raised $70M through early NFT sales...

Until they released their first gameplay screenshots, and everything came crashing down.

Here's what was promised:

Here's what was delivered:

( his name is Kevin, and in a weird twist of fate, he was so heavily meme'd that he became beloved by the community).

Since Kevin's debut, the project has been pretty quiet, but it looks like they're staging a comeback - the development team has been replaced and the original creature artwork has been almost completely overhauled.

Kevin gets to keep his blocky aesthetic, while all the other characters are receiving a smooth, 3D rendered, facelift:

The Pixelmon game is set to launch to NFT holders in early 2023, then to the wider public, in a free-to-play version, later in the year.

If the new team can stick the landing and create a compelling game around the project's IP, this could become the biggest comeback story of the NFT space to date!

But hey, we've been fooled before...


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