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Sam Altman, AI, and Universal Basic (Crypto) Income


  • With the launch of the WLD token, so too came ​the whitepaper​ explaining it's ​tokenomics​.

  • Worldcoin's ​mission​ is to create a globally-inclusive identity and financial network, owned by the majority of humanity.

  • The vision is for everyone in the world to transact with Worldcoin, implementing universal basic income (​UBI​), and allowing us mere mortals to fairly co-exist alongside general AI.

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Yesterday, WLD went live.

WLD is the token for Worldcoin, Sam Altman's other startup (along with OpenAI).

With the launch of the WLD token, so too came ​the whitepaper​ explaining it's ​tokenomics​.

We read through it, so you don't have to:

  • WLD’s total supply is fixed at 10 billion WLD for the first 15 years.

  • In the year 2038, an inflation rate of 1.5% could be instituted by voters (it's up to the holders).

  • Based on ​Coinmarketcap​, the total circulating supply at the time of writing is ~106 million WLD tokens (1.06% of total supply), with a market cap of around $230 Million USD.

ICYMI, Worldcoin's ​mission​ is to create a globally-inclusive identity and financial network, owned by the majority of humanity.

They're using some pretty wild methods to achieve said mission, with their primary product being 'The Orb' which scans your retina, to collect your biometric data, and prove that you're a human.

The vision is for everyone in the world to transact with Worldcoin, implementing universal basic income (​UBI​), and allowing us mere mortals to fairly co-exist alongside general AI.

This is a crazy and audacious concept.

(And we love it!)

If you want to read a deep dive on Worldcoin, from someone who's actually had his retina scanned, ​check this out​.

In the meantime, we'll just quietly go back to reading about the third generation of the internet, and shutting our eyes every time we see a spherical object (just in case!).