SBF broke his're the highlights.

Let's keep this short, sharp, and take it all with a big ol' grain of salt - because SBF's word doesn't carry much weight these days:

  • Sam claims FTX US still has enough money to pay back its customers, and he should never have filed for bankruptcy.

    "I honest to god believe that if I hadn't filed for bankruptcy, all users would be whole."

  • According to Sam, $4 billion came in to FTX, 8 minutes after he filed for bankruptcy.

  • Sam admitted to donating roughly the same amount to Republicans as he did Democrats, but kept it all on the DL to avoid public scrutiny.

  • Sam believes the $400M hack, made on FTX as it was collapsing, probably came from an ex-employee.

A lot of this feels like that time Timmy O'Leary (a kid from our primary school) claimed he beat Michael Jordan in a game of one-on-one, over the holiday break.

We know he believes what he's saying.

But we're not sure we do.


​Porsche enters the Web3 space.​


​This is why centralized exchanges are still winning out over decentralized exchanges.