​Should you take your salary in BTC?

Ever wondered what would actually happen if you took your entire salary, in Bitcoin.

Well, a Florida-based guy who calls himself 'SVN' has done just that.

(And he wrote a great thread on Twitter about the pros and cons)!

Here're some of the more interesting parts:

  • His employer initially paid SVN's salary through direct deposits straight into his Coinbase account.

    This made tax reporting easy, but with Coinbase's 'know your customer' (KYC) rules there was almost too much transparency about the flow of funds, according to SVN.

  • The employer eventually started paying, in crypto, directly to SVN's wallet.

    This took away the KYC side of things to some extent, but it made accounting much more challenging.

  • Because BTC's price has been volatile - and it's come down by ~70% in the past year - he now receives more BTC per paycheck than he did at the start of the year.

    While on the surface that sounds good, it means the value of his first few paychecks is worth less today. The volatility makes it difficult to budget.

  • SVN was able to transact pretty easily for everyday items through tools that would immediately convert BTC to fiat.

    Problem was, keeping track of all of the transactions, and their conversion rates, was a nightmare.

After a full year of taking his salary in BTC, SVN said that “Living on Bitcoin is simple, but challenging.”

Overall, the fact that someone has done this is a big step forwards in the evolution of digital currencies.

SVN highlighted some key areas that need to be improved - mostly focused on the accounting, and user experience, side of things.

But the good news is, innovation ain't stopping!


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